Methods: The study was observational self comparison before and after treatment, conducted in the OPD of the hospital which is part of the National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bangalore. Daood Antaki in his book Tazkira Oolulalbab recommends the local application of a paste of Shoni?z (nigella sativa), Nausha?dar (ammonium chloride) and Bu?ra Armani mixed with Sirka (vinegar) for effective treatment of Acne vulgaris.
These eruptions are treated by drugs having properties of tajfi?f wa tah?li?l (desiccant and resolving), as mentioned by Ibne Sina. It is one of the commonest skin disorders which appears on cheeks and nose as white eruptions that seems like solidified milk drops. Ansari, Shahnawaz.īackground and Objectives: Buthu?r-i-Labaniyya (Acne vulgaris) is affecting up to 80% of adolescents and many adults at different stages of life.